TOGAF Part 1 Exam Question, TOGAF mock test, TOGAF Sample Questions 2021

10 Togaf Certification Exam Questions [Free] that Students Love.

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TOGAF Certification exam questions is carefully designed for the TOGAF 9 Foundation Certification (TOGAF Part 1 Exam). The TOGAF exam questions covers different topics of the TOGAF framework such as TOGAF ADM Phases or TOGAF Wheel. Let's get started with Introduction to TOGAF 9 Certification, followed by TOGAF Certification Cost. Finally, you have the top 20 TOGAF Foundation question and answer session.

Table of Contents

What does TOGAF stand for?

TOGAF stands for, The Open Group Architecture Forum (i.e. TOGAF 9 Certification). The Open Group is a consortium neutral to vendor and technology and intent on creating open standards and global interoperability to enable access to integrated information within and between enterprises.

One of the certification programs, The Open Group Architecture Forum (TOGAF), provides an opportunity for service providers and tool vendors to demonstrate their products and services able to support the enterprise.

TOGAF is an industry-standard architecture framework to develop information systems architecture within the enterprise using the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM).

TOGAF Architecture Development Cycle

TOGAF Architecture Development Cycle.

The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) provides a tested and repeatable process for developing architectures.

TOGAF Certification Exam.

TOGAF Certification has two different exam level. The first level is the TOGAF 9 Foundation (i.e. TOGAF Part 1). The second level is the TOGAF 9 Certified (i.e. TOGAF Part 2). You can take the TOGAF 9 Certification exam individually or combined.

  • TOGAF Part 1 Exam: You have 40 questions with a time limit of 1 hour.
  • TOGAF Part 2 Exam: You have 8 questions with a time limit of 1 hour 30 minutes.

Note: TOGAF 9 combined exam: You have 48 questions with a time limit, of 2 hours 30 minutes.

TOGAF certification cost around 360$ each. However, the cost of the TOGAF 9 combined exam is 550$.

TOGAF Certificate Cost, togaf sample exam
TOGAF Certificate Cost

TOGAF Certification Exam Questions.

TOGAF Certification Dumps are carefully designed to help participates to clear the TOGAF foundation or TOGAF Part I Exam. Each TOGAF practice question has a details explanation of the correct answer. Let’s get started with the TOGAF Certification dump (Free).

Which of the following benefits or functions of The Open Group Architecture Framework is not considered?

Ensures that IT components can be procured cheaply. TOGAF comes with a lot of benefits if it is adopted and implemented correctly. TOGAF certainly enable the organization to make effective decisions, enable the organization to organized various system and subsystem properly. TOGAF 9 primarily focus on a greater return on Investments.

You’re currently working on a project to define the organization’s architectural elements in order to identify any areas of weakness in the IT infrastructure that isn’t actively benefiting the company. The team is working to identify the set of architectural and business constraints that have an impact on how the current architect is created. What stage of the architectural development process are you in?

Preliminary Phase. The team is attempting to define the architecture principle of the enterprise, which is normally a function of the TOGAF preliminary phase.

Which tool enables a company to check its current architecture against existing design standards?

Gap Analysis. In TOGAF phases, gap analysis will evaluate an implementation against specific criteria to identify what is presented or missing.

Direct implementation of the architecture begins in what phase of ADM?

Opportunity and Solution – TOGAF Phase E. In TOGAF Phase E – You perform initial implementation planning and the identification of delivery vehicles for the building blocks identified in the previous phases. Determine whether an incremental approach is required, and if so identify Transition Architectures.

Which of the following inputs to the ADM is expected to contain the strategic plan and business goals of the enterprise?

Request for Architecture Work. TOGAF is both an architecture framework and a method for architecture development. It is a tool for assisting in the acceptance, production, use, and maintenance of enterprise architectures.

Description of the actual implementation of architecture within an enterprise are found within what body of knowledge?

Solution Continuum. The solution continuum with the enterprise continuum contains the implementations of architectures that correspond to the description contained in the architecture continuum. Organization solution is just one aspect of the Solution Continuum.

Which of the following is not a service category found within the Application Platform of the TRM?

Business Process Services. TOGAF ADM explain that business process service is generally not a service within the Application platform since the product or operation of the service is the development or management of application software.

What form of the business application takes client requests and sends them to a range of different service providers to be fulfilled?

Brokerage Applications. As per TOGAF, Brokerage Application of the III-RM are setup to manage requests between service providers and clients.

Which of the following is the IDEAL Life cycle Model for Improvement?

Capability Maturity Model. Capability Maturity Models typically identify selected factors that are required to exercise a capability. An organization’s ability to execute specific factors provides a measure of maturity and can be used to recommend a series of sequential steps to improve a capability. It is an assessment that gives executives an insight into pragmatically improving a capability.

Choose the best definition of the design pattern?

A scheme for refining components of a software system. According to TOGAF 9 design pattern at high-level handle issue of the architecture, design, or programming implementation.

TOGAF Exam Questions.


Finally, in today’s TOGAF tutorial. You learn what is Togaf stands for and why is the cost of the TOGAF exam? You have also gone through TOGAF exam questions that would help you in preparing for the TOGAF 9 Foundation Certification (TOGAF Part 1 Exam). The TOGAF exam questions cover different topics of the TOGAF framework such as the TOGAF ADM Phases or the TOGAF Wheel.