Read more about the article Revolutionize Your Chegg Experience with Cheggbot: The Ultimate Time-Saving Solution for Experts | 5 mins read

Revolutionize Your Chegg Experience with Cheggbot: The Ultimate Time-Saving Solution for Experts | 5 mins read

As a Chegg expert, you know how tedious it can be to sift through a queue of questions looking for the ones you want to answer. CheggBot is an automation script that makes this process much easier. In this post, we will explain how to set up and use CheggBot to skip questions based on keywords, randomize the timing to prevent getting blocked, and send alerts when answerable questions are found.

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Read more about the article Master multithreading in python | 5 mins read
Multithreading In Python

Master multithreading in python | 5 mins read

Multithreading is the key concept if you want to advance your skill in python. In this article , we will discuss why multithreading is so necessary. We will also compare multithreaded code and non-multi threaded code while solving a real coding scenario. In python, a thread is implemented as object of Thread class.

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Read more about the article What is Inheritance in Python? Explain Multiple Inheritance and Operator Overloading.
OOPs part 3

What is Inheritance in Python? Explain Multiple Inheritance and Operator Overloading.

In Python, inheritance is a concept in which existing classes can be modified by a new class. Existing classes are called base classes and new classes are called derived classes. Python Multiple inheritance is when a class comes from more than one base class. Derived classes inherit all the features of their bases. In this tutorial, you will learn about the object-oriented programming (OOPs) concept with examples. Let's discuss how inheritance works in Python.

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Read more about the article Master Python Class Methods and Attributes | Magic Methods | 8 mins read
OOPs in Python

Master Python Class Methods and Attributes | Magic Methods | 8 mins read

Today we are going to talk about 'Members of a python class' .This tutorial covers types of methods and attributes in a python class. Some pythonic terminologies like Dunder methods.This tutorial describes the structure of a python class. Let's get started.

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Read more about the article Efficient and ultimate rule for python scope | LEGB | 8 mins read
Python Scope

Efficient and ultimate rule for python scope | LEGB | 8 mins read

Holla, today we are going to talk about "Python Scope & LEGB Rule". The scope refer to the area,region or environment in which an entity can refer to some value or other entity.LEGB stands for Local,Enclosing,Global and BuiltIn scope. We can modify the scope of a variable using keywords like global and nonlocal.

Continue ReadingEfficient and ultimate rule for python scope | LEGB | 8 mins read
Read more about the article Master Python Function and Argument Types | Lambda expression – 10 mins read
Function in Python

Master Python Function and Argument Types | Lambda expression – 10 mins read

Python function is very important from programmers prespective. Declaration and calling of python function is quite easy. def keyword is used to start function definition .It is followed by function name an parameters within small braces.For small function that contain only one expression, lambda expression can be used in place of standard function. Lambda expression are tricky ones but saves a lot of time if you master them. Let's get started with "Function in Python and types of function arguments".

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Read more about the article Stop you are doing wrong way | Python loops with else clause | 6 mins read
Python Loop and Iterations

Stop you are doing wrong way | Python loops with else clause | 6 mins read

Python loops and iterations in Python are extremely important from a programmers perspective. Loops in Python are used to run a piece of code more than one time. Python provides else clause with for and while loop that solves many problems in few lines. You will learn through examples why the else part is so important and in which scenario it is used. We will also learn some keywords like a break, continue etc and their uses. So let's get started with today's Python Tutorial.

Continue ReadingStop you are doing wrong way | Python loops with else clause | 6 mins read