Read more about the article 8 smart ways to avoid phishing attack. [Phishing Definition and Email Phishing]
8 Smart ways to avoid Phishing attack.

8 smart ways to avoid phishing attack. [Phishing Definition and Email Phishing]

Earning money is not an easy task. But, keeping your money save is even tougher. Scammers are looking for an easy target for massive profits. Phishing attacks are around for the last couple of years and it booming year on year. You can protect yourself and avoid phishing scam by following top tech tips. Let's get started with What is Phishing?

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Read more about the article TOGAF 9 Practice Questions and Answers. TOGAF Certification Questions. Top 20 Questions.
TOGAF 9 Practice Questions and Answers

TOGAF 9 Practice Questions and Answers. TOGAF Certification Questions. Top 20 Questions.

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TOGAF is an architecture framework. You have to clear two exams to complete your TOGAF 9 certification. TOGAF practice questions and answers are designed according to TOGAF 9 foundation exam. TOGAF mock test included samples question from different sections of the TOGAF 9 Certification. TOGAF practice questions and answers tutorial is associated with You tube Video ("TOGAF 9 sample questions and answers") [Free TOGAF Dumps]. TOGAF Exam Question specially focus on TOGAF PART 1 Exam.

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Read more about the article TOGAF 9 Architecture Development (ADM) Cycle – The Easy Way!
TOGAF Architecture Development Cycle (ADM)

TOGAF 9 Architecture Development (ADM) Cycle – The Easy Way!

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  • Post category:TOGAF

TOGAF is an architecture framework. TOGAF provides the methods and tools for assisting in the acceptance, production, use, and maintenance of an enterprise architecture. It is based on an iterative process model supported by best practices and a re-usable set of existing architecture assets.

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Read more about the article Nail Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python | Class and Instance | Constructor of the class | 8 mins read
OOPs in Python

Nail Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python | Class and Instance | Constructor of the class | 8 mins read

Today we are going to talk about 'Overview of Object Oriented Programming(OOP) in Python .This tutorial covers the overview of OOPs in python , meaning of some terminologies like class,instance ,constructor .This tutorial provides the base to understand the concept of OOPs in python. Let's get started.

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Read more about the article COBOL Tutorial – COBOL Programming Tutorial. Free Curso de COBOL 60+

COBOL Tutorial – COBOL Programming Tutorial. Free Curso de COBOL 60+

COBOL programming tutorial is design for absolute beginners. In this tutorial, cover most of the programming topic such as COBOL PERFORM STATEMENTS, COBOL REDEFINES Statements, COBOL Program Structure etc. Let's get started with today's COBOL Tutorial.

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Read more about the article Pandas Read_CSV? It’s Easy If You Do It Smart in 5 Min.
Python Tutorial - Pandas Read_CSV Python.

Pandas Read_CSV? It’s Easy If You Do It Smart in 5 Min.

Holla, welcome to today's tutorial on How to load CSV file into a pandas dataframe using read_csv method. Pandas read_csv method is an easy and powerful method. You can use Python read_csv method to load any file which is delimited.

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Read more about the article How to set up BT WIFI Extender. Brilliant 3 step guide!
BT Wifi Extender Setup Using WPS Method

How to set up BT WIFI Extender. Brilliant 3 step guide!

How to set up BT WIFI Extender is a brilliant 3 step guide. It will help you in setting up your BT wifi extender. You have to follow three simple steps to connect your wifi extender to your BT broadband router. The wifi extender setup guide explains the WPS method i.e. WiFi Protected Setup. The BT wifi extender setup guide applies to various BT wifi booster models.

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Read more about the article OMG! The Best Apple iPhone SE Ever! iPhone SE starting from $399! | iPhone 11 pro.
topictrick iphone SE

OMG! The Best Apple iPhone SE Ever! iPhone SE starting from $399! | iPhone 11 pro.

Apple launched iPhone SE it's a second-generation smartphone powered by iPhone Pro 11 A13 Bionic chip. iPhone SE price starts from $399 and it's a budget smartphone. iPhone SE 2020 comes with three different storage capacity variants 64GB, 128GB, 256GB. It has a new improved camera, with dual sim support. In short, Apple has given a tough competition to its competitor.

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Read more about the article Python Tutorial: Python Tuple, Tuple in Python, Python Tutorial Awesome 20 min Guide.
Python Tuple

Python Tutorial: Python Tuple, Tuple in Python, Python Tutorial Awesome 20 min Guide.

A Python tuple is a Python sequence. They are generally used to store a group of elements, which do not change throughout the program. Since tuples are immutable, so you can only use a basic set of functions/methods such as len, max, min, sort, index, count. But you can append or change a tuple by using programming techniques. Let's go through all these techniques and code snippets in this Python tutorial.

Continue ReadingPython Tutorial: Python Tuple, Tuple in Python, Python Tutorial Awesome 20 min Guide.